About Suzhou Qizhi

Suzhou Qizhi Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance" (AITISA) and also an achievement of the cooperation between AITISA and Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee. This company is responsible for the mission of the Alliance Suzhou Innovation Center. The company and Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee jointly host the specialized, market-oriented and international "Global Artificial Intelligence Product Application Expo (AIExpo)" featuring "new-generation artificial intelligence". The company will also assist the park in setting up the Suzhou Artificial Intelligence Commission, the Artificial Intelligence Industry Fund, and Qizhi Open Source Platform Suzhou Center to support the construction of a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation and development test zone in Suzhou.

The "Global Artificial Intelligence Product Application Expo" will adhere to the concepts of "specialization", "marketization", "internationalization", "socialization", "platformization", and "ecologicalization" of artificial intelligence. Research institutes, authoritative alliances, and industry associations gather industry leaders to build a high-end AI service platform for “result display, new product release, resource sharing, transaction financing, and experts gatherings”.


New Generation Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance

Suzhou Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Innovation Center


Suzhou Qizhi Innovation Technology Co.

Suzhou Industrial Park Science and Technology Development Co.


Zhongguancun Audiovisual Industry Technology Innovation Alliance

Suzhou Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Suzhou Industrial Park Artificial Intelligence Industry Association

Strategic Cooperation Unit:

Huawei Technologies Co.
Pengcheng Laboratory

Legal counsel:Sheng Tang Law Firm


Mr. Zhang: 15506292881 (contact person for investment and exhibition)
Mr. Zhan: 17366125566 (conference contact)
Ms. Cui: 15931096177 (contact person for media publicity)

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