AIExpo2018 Gold Award for Innovative Products
  • X光安检机图像人工智能识别系统

  • 星云医学影像人工智能平台

  • DUI开放平台

AIExpo2018 Silver Award for Innovative Products
  • MegEye-C3S智能人脸抓拍机

  • 优友U05类人型商用服务机器人

  • 人脸分析服务器

  • UAI 人工智能PaaS服务平台

  • 聚合数据平台

  • 火眼人脸大数据平台

AIExpo2018 Innovation Product Finalist Award
  • 智能驾驶辅助终端

  • 吉成智能药房机器人系统

  • 铭之慧数据开放与操作平台

  • 体感控制机器人系统

  • 深醒动态人脸识别预警系统

  • VR金融

  • 人工智能金融反欺诈

  • 口语100智慧学习空间

  • 多线激光雷达

  • META云端智能导盲机器人

  • Video++


New Generation Artificial Intelligence Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance

Suzhou Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Innovation Center


Suzhou Qizhi Innovation Technology Co.

Suzhou Industrial Park Science and Technology Development Co.


Zhongguancun Audiovisual Industry Technology Innovation Alliance

Suzhou Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Suzhou Industrial Park Artificial Intelligence Industry Association

Strategic Cooperation Unit:

Huawei Technologies Co.
Pengcheng Laboratory

Legal counsel:Sheng Tang Law Firm


Mr. Zhang: 15506292881 (contact person for investment and exhibition)
Mr. Zhan: 17366125566 (conference contact)
Ms. Cui: 15931096177 (contact person for media publicity)

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